วันศุกร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Why is Facebook Page Reach Decreasing?

Why is Facebook Page Reach Decreasing?

People can only read a limited number of newsfeeds on any given day on Facebook. There is simply no way of showing everything to everyone on facebook. This has led to an intense competition for free space on Facebook.

The situation compels Facebook to filter the feed so that only the most important posts as well as some advertisements are shown. This resulted in a drop in reach for a few pages which started protesting. These pages had worked really hard to get likes on Facebook for the purpose of promoting their products. They also paid Facebook for advertisements thinking that it was a sound investment. These built their business around the reach that Facebook guaranteed them.
Now they are being told that if they want to hear from their Facebook page, they will have to visit the page. There will be no automatic newsfeeds on pages of likers. These businesses and entrepreneur feel cheated.This may not be the right perspective for analyzing the reach of a Facebook page. Most people think that their Page is in a vacuum. However, this is not the case. Every page is a tiny part of a system of Pages each one of which is trying to grab everyone’s attention through the News Feed. In very simple words, each post that you see on a News Feed is one less post that you can see from a friend or an acquaintance.

As time passes, people add more friends. Simultaneously, they also like more pages. However, the time for reading News Feed in a single day remain constant. For example, a Facebook user can see around a thousand posts in a single day. When the number of friends increases, the numbers of these posts shoot up to 10,000. His ability to read the News Feed, however, remains the same.
A Facebook user cannot treat each and every Page equally since everyone has preferences. On the other hand Facebook also needs to show its subscribers the most interesting posts. Facebooks makes money by showing advertisements. Moreover, it also needs to peruse it mission of connecting the world. For both these purposes, it needs people to keep coming back to the page, and they will only come back when they are sure that they will be able to see something interesting on the Page each time they log on.
This lands Facebook in a very tough situation because it must choose which content should be shown and which wouldn’t. This is simply known as the feed filtering problem.
This boils down to the fact that a successful post is the one whose creator more popular. Having added a friend or having liked a page does not matter anymore. A post will have a reach only it is interesting to a lot of people.
In the world of Facebook News Feed, one must earn their space. The reach increases only if their posts are able to get a lot of likes, comments and shares. The posts are ignored, the reach automatically decreases. This simply means that in order to earn a News Feed space, a Page must work harder and generate more likes for its posts.

