วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Top 10 Cat Breeds

There are many cat breeds that are trending right now, and when cat breeds trend, it's usually for a good reason. When you consider adopting a cat, you may want to pay attention to which breeds are trending in order to see what types of cats other cat owners are focusing on. Some cat breeds are aloof, agitated, and angry, and usually those breeds don't trend. If you watch the trends, you'll adopt the cat you want.

The Abyssinian cat is a mixture ofSiamese, Burmese, and Russian Blue, and is a very popular and smart cat breed.
Abyssinian breeds are perfect for people who like to spend time with their cats. The need attention because of their playful and smart nature. They can do tricks, play, and are easy to keep happy. Abyssinian cats are definitely not lap cats, though.
They have short hair, so they don't require much grooming.
A unique feature of the Abyssinian cat is that they have a dog-like nature, so they appreciate the company of dogs more than they do other cats, so Abyssinian cats are perfect for pet owners who love both dogs and cats.

The Siamese cat is usually a creamy white color with dark marks on its ears, paws, tail, and face. It's very talkative and lively. Curiosity is prominent in this breed, but they're also intelligent and affectionate.
Siamese cats need attention and need their owner to be home often.
The Siamese cat has a very short coat that doesn't need much grooming.

3. Persian
Persian cats look like they have a doll-like face: chubby cheeks, flat face, and a round head.
Persian cats are perfect lap cats, and will stay on your lap for hours at a time. They aren't as playful as other cat breeds, but they're great for owners who want an independent cat that they don't wish to give as much attention to. Just leave your lap open, and your Persian cat will be happy.

4. Maine Coon
A Maine Coon is a mixture between domesticated cats and wild bobcats, therefore creating a very large, unique looking cat. They usually have gray/brown fur, and have small tufts on their ears.
The Maine Coon is the giant of the cat world, reaching up to 40 inches in length and 10-25 pounds.
It's also great for people who have time to spend with their cat, but also have a life to live. The Maine Coon requires attention, but not constant attention. It can keep itself occupied.
Grooming a Maine Coon is easy, even though it has long, thick fur. It's fur is water resistant and thick, and the only problem with its coat is that it sometimes has heavy shedding sessions. Brushing it weekly will keep a Maine Coon properly groomed.

5. Siberian
Siberian cats are fluffy, and also very cuddly. They're great lap cats, but they aren't necessarily playful (like the Persian cat). Siberian cats have been known to grow up to 20 pounds, but still remain agile and powerful.
A Siberian cat is very acrobatic, and if you adopt one, you'll probably find it in places like: on top of the refrigerator and in high cabinets. Even though they're agile, they're mellow, and are easy to get along with. Siberian cats are linked to only one health problem, heart disease, unlike other purebreds who have a list of diseases they may acquire.

6. Singapura
If you want to adopt a smaller cat, then the Singapura cat is right for you. They only come in one color, yellowish-brown, so they're very identifiable. They're full of playful energy and love to jump around.
The size of the Singapura makes it extremely easy to groom.
The Singapura is friendly, and easily gets along with adults, children, and other pets.

7. Oriental
An Oriental cat can come in 300 different colors and patterns to accompany it's unique facial appearance
Oriental cats have a habit to become very attached to people. They are very intelligent and enjoy puzzles, games, and television--basically, if they're attached to you, they'll want to loyally follow you around and do everything with you. Oriental cats have a deep meow, and they make sure to let themselves be heard when they want something.

8. Himalayan
Himalayan cats are quiet and beautiful. They great cats for people who want a gorgeous, fluffy-haired cat, but don't want to give it too much of their attention.
Himalayan are mild, sweet, and extremely independent.

9.American Curl
The American Curl cats have curly, unique ears, and are incredible playful and friendly. They come in a wide range of colors and sizes, but their one distinct characteristic is their ears.
They require hardly any grooming to keep their short-fur coat looking nice.
Their faithful to their owners, and stick to the side of the person who has adopted them. They are incredibly affectionate and love to rub on their owners, cuddle, and play.

10. Burmese
Burmese cats tend to be stocky with grayish/brown/blue fur.
Instead of making you play with them, they entertain you by playing with themselves. They leap, bound, and play while you can sit back, relax, and watch. They will also play with you, too. They aren't hard to please.
Even if they are playing on their own, they enjoy your presence in the room. They like to socialize and don't want to be left alone for long periods at a time.

