วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

How To Play With Your Cat


Sometimes, you have to teach your kitten how to play nice. Keep your hands away from the play area and do not ever let your kitten use them as a scratch or chew toy. You don't want to condition your kitten to bite and claw your skin. You can use practically any cat toy with a kitten and they'll be entertained for hours. Attach a feather to a string, and your kitten is hooked! Give your kitten a soft stuffed animal to wrestle with, and he/she wont be able to let it go.
Make sure not to hit or yell at a kitten for nipping, clawing, or pouncing. Be kind! You want to be able to play with your kitten and not have him/her fear you. The best way to train a kitten to not use you as a chew toy is to carry around a squirt bottle full of water. It's harmless, and it works.

Adult Cats

Adult cats don't play as often as kittens, but it's always good to encourage play-time with your adult cat just as much as you would a kitten in order to keep them fit and create a pet/owner bond. Adult cats require twice as much encouragement to play as a kitten does. Adult cats become playful when you simulate a hunting scenario with the right kind of toys. Make sure never to use your hands, just like you would with a kitten. Use a toy, usually something light, cloth-like, or feathers attached to a string. Even the most gentle cats cannot turn down the allure of a cat toy.

Caution: Beware of the difference between a playful cat and a violent cat. Cats usually playfully claw at the toys you make for them, but the line between a cat's anger and a cat's happiness can be thin. Be cautious and pay attention to what mood your cat it in. If his/her ears are bent back, his/her tail begins to flick, and he/she begins to make noise, that's when you should stop. When a cat doesn't want to be bothered, you must take that into account. Nobody wants to end up with scratches on their arms.
Don't everhit your cat with the toys you make. Not only may it aggravate them, but it might hurt them.

