วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

How to Understand Your Cat's Behavior

It is essential to know about your cat and what they are trying to tell you. There are very many interesting ways and actions in which cats communicate to each other and to people as well.

Head butting

Cats use their heads to show love and affection. They head butt with peoples foreheads and chins to show their affection and also leave their scent as a form of identification and communication.


They will also express their love without making any physical contact. Slow and relaxed eye blinks are referred to as cats kisses. It means that the cat is relaxed and happy.

Tail up

When a cat greets you with their tail up, it means that they are giving you a warm welcome. The best sign of happiness is their tail held up high like a flag post. Other signs that the kitten is in a good mood is when their ears are in a relaxed position and not flattened, their pupils are the normal size and not dilated. Your cat is also relaxed when it is not sulking around but moving about in the room.

Lying on the back

This can mean different things but this does not mean you take a behavior out of context. Take a look at the whole body of the cat including eyes, ears, tails and pawns. If they are sleeping with the belly exposed, it means that they are feeling safe and secure. When it is purring and kneading its paws in the air, this is an indication that they are stress free and content. If the cat is on its back with flattened ears and dilated pupils, it feels threatened. This shows that they are ready to fight and use all the weapons they have which are its claws and hind legs.

