วันศุกร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Why is Facebook Page Reach Decreasing?

Why is Facebook Page Reach Decreasing?

People can only read a limited number of newsfeeds on any given day on Facebook. There is simply no way of showing everything to everyone on facebook. This has led to an intense competition for free space on Facebook.

The situation compels Facebook to filter the feed so that only the most important posts as well as some advertisements are shown. This resulted in a drop in reach for a few pages which started protesting. These pages had worked really hard to get likes on Facebook for the purpose of promoting their products. They also paid Facebook for advertisements thinking that it was a sound investment. These built their business around the reach that Facebook guaranteed them.
Now they are being told that if they want to hear from their Facebook page, they will have to visit the page. There will be no automatic newsfeeds on pages of likers. These businesses and entrepreneur feel cheated.This may not be the right perspective for analyzing the reach of a Facebook page. Most people think that their Page is in a vacuum. However, this is not the case. Every page is a tiny part of a system of Pages each one of which is trying to grab everyone’s attention through the News Feed. In very simple words, each post that you see on a News Feed is one less post that you can see from a friend or an acquaintance.

As time passes, people add more friends. Simultaneously, they also like more pages. However, the time for reading News Feed in a single day remain constant. For example, a Facebook user can see around a thousand posts in a single day. When the number of friends increases, the numbers of these posts shoot up to 10,000. His ability to read the News Feed, however, remains the same.
A Facebook user cannot treat each and every Page equally since everyone has preferences. On the other hand Facebook also needs to show its subscribers the most interesting posts. Facebooks makes money by showing advertisements. Moreover, it also needs to peruse it mission of connecting the world. For both these purposes, it needs people to keep coming back to the page, and they will only come back when they are sure that they will be able to see something interesting on the Page each time they log on.
This lands Facebook in a very tough situation because it must choose which content should be shown and which wouldn’t. This is simply known as the feed filtering problem.
This boils down to the fact that a successful post is the one whose creator more popular. Having added a friend or having liked a page does not matter anymore. A post will have a reach only it is interesting to a lot of people.
In the world of Facebook News Feed, one must earn their space. The reach increases only if their posts are able to get a lot of likes, comments and shares. The posts are ignored, the reach automatically decreases. This simply means that in order to earn a News Feed space, a Page must work harder and generate more likes for its posts.

Hurricane Arthur 2014

Hurricane Arthur struck hard on North Carolina coast in the night of Thursday. Weathermen are predicting that by the time when this hurricane draws to the coastline, it might have risen to a category 2 hurricane. Category 2 hurricanes are those which range between 96 to 110 mph in speed.
The National Hurricane Center which is in charge of monitoring hurricanes indicated that hurricane Arthur rolled rain bands towards Carolina and further added that its speed remained at the range of 90 mph. As the night hours passed by, the hurricane gained more strength while maintaining its wind speed.
The hurricane moved into Virginia and expectations were high that it would make a landfall in Outer Banks or North Carolina.
In the late Thursday afternoon, the hurricane made storm warnings to be issued in Nantucket Island, Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Nova Scotia in Canada.
The movement of the hurricane towards the west direction is increasing the chances of experiencing a landfall in North Carolina.
This hurricane might result into many effects. Outer Banks is likely to get a storm surge of 3 feet, 3 to 5 feet of the same in Virginia and Carolina as well as 6 inches of rain in North Carolina. Tornadoes are also expected in North Carolina.
The better part is that the storm is expected to weaken on Saturday as it moves away from Mid-Atlantic States.

North Korea banned Choco Pies

North Korea is country that has a reputation for being too dramatic and taking things to the extreme. Leader Kim Jong-un placed a ban on Choco Pies that were being given to factory workers as a form of currency for overtime work.The North Korean government has restrictions in place that forbid North Korean workers from being paid overtime in cash while they work in Pyongyang, South Korea.

Thousands of North Korean workers who are able to work in South Korea must receive Choco Pies as a form of payment. Most people see Choco Pies as a cheap and strange form of currency but if they understood the social and economic conditions in North Korea then the pies would make sense.

Many fast food items such as hamburgers and french fries are restricted in North Korea. However, there are times when the people can have access to these products. A lot of North Korean people have tasted different types of fast food. They also developed a underground economy so they can always have access to this kind of cuisine. Choco Pies are a big selling item in the Korean black market.

When workers were getting paid in Choco Pies they were not eating the snack cakes. Instead, they sold them on the black market for almost seven times their original value. North Korean people who worked a lot of overtime were actually increasing their income seven-fold by selling these pies.

Once the government got wind of this situation they reacted swiftly. They banned their workers from accepting the pies. Since the Choco Pie ban has been in place some organizations send the treats into North Korea by balloons. South Korean companies now have to pay North Korean workers with noodles, chocolate and sausages. Unfortunately, North Korean workers cannot sell these common food items for a profit.

วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2558

How To Adopt A Kitten

Costs of purchasing and maintaining a kitten
The cost of adopting a mixed kitten from a shelter is around $30-$50, depending on where you live. If you decide to adopt a purebred kitten, the price can reach over $1,000. You also have to take into account the money you will need to spend on kitten food, kitten toys, cat furniture, kitty litter, spaying and neutering, grooming, etc.. Expensive, full-breed kittens can cost even more to provide for than mixed-breeds because of their likelihood of acquiring an illness based on their breed (full-breeds tend to get ill more often).

Preparations before adopting
Approximately 25% are allergic to cat and kitten dander, and living with a kitten when you have an allergy can be a miserable experience, especially if you adopt an indoor kitten. Most people who suffer from allergies are also allergic to cats, so be wary when adopting a kitten if you already have strong allergies. Visit your local shelter and spend some time around their cats before you buy. This way, you can test yourself to see if you are allergic.
Make sure that if you're renting a house, that your landlord allows pets. Some apartments and rental homes do not allow pets, so make sure to check with your landlord to see if you can adopt a kitten beforehand.

Buy the kitten supplies before you adopt. If you have an indoor kitten, then you're going to want a litter-box before you bring the kitten home. Buy a supply of kitten food (make sure you buy kitten food and not cat food in order to provide the right texture of food and nutrients that your kitten needs). Depending on the kitten's age, you may still need to bottle-feed. Most shelters and stores do not sell kittens when they're at the nipple-feeding age, but if some people who give away kittens may. You can buy an alternative to cat milk in most animal stores or online.
If your kitten is older that two months when you adopt it, make sure that you get it spayed or neutered and updated on its shots. Some pet stores and shelters provide spaying, neutering, and shots.

When you finally bring the kitten home
Research the characteristics of your certain kitten's breed in order to accommodate to it's lifestyle. Some kittens prefer to live outdoors and some prefer indoors. Some are friendly while some prefer to be left alone. By researching your kitten's breed, you may be able to find out what kind of lifestyle it likes.

Have lots and food and water available for your kitten, especially water
Make sure to train your kitten everything it needs to know early on, like how to play properly without scratching or attacking your hands and where the litter-box is (most kittens instinctively use the litter-box once they know where it is).
Kittens require an abundance of attention and playtime, so make sure to take some of your free time to spend playing with your kitten.

Essential Tips on How to Choose Cat Food

Many pet owners have cats in their homes. This may be because of their warm and friendly nature. Furthermore, taking care of a cat is quite easy. Other than taking them to a vet, the main challenge that cat owners probably face is choosing the right food, and given this article, this will not be a problem anymore. Below are valuable pointers that can help you when it comes to feeding your cat.

Always Read the Label
Cats have their nutritional needs that need to be met all the time. This implies that you must give them the food that they need the most at a particular time. You should be able to unravel the cat’s behaviors and identify the food that it needs. When you go to a shop for this, reading labels will help you know what nutrients are found in them hence providing the cat with what it needs.

Know the Cat’s Age
The nutritional requirements of cats vary with age. As a result, you need to know his or her age so that you can correctly provide what is needed. You can easily find what food is appropriate for a given age by reading the life stage on the food label.

Consider the Cat’s Preferences
Cats, just like humans have their preferences when it comes to their food. Some may like chicken while other have a strong liking for fish. Remember that no one food is best for every cat, and once you identify what yours seems to fancy, then you should be able to provide it but in limited proportions.

Your Budget
There are different types of cat food. These types come with varying price tags. Some of this food can easily be found on the cheap while premium cat foods cost a dime. Therefore, you must come up with a budget that will ensure that you give your cat all the necessary nutrients without straining your pocket.

The Cat’s Body Condition
This is also an important determinant of your choice of cat food. Food for an overweight cat greatly varies from that of an underweight one. Whether it is weight control or maintenance, you need to purchase the right cat food.

Choosing food that is best for your cat can be as simple as considering these tips. Therefore, ensure that your cat is properly fed because a healthy cat is always a happy cat.

Tips for Choosing the Right Veterinarian for Your Cat

Selecting the right veterinarian for your cat is going to make a lot of difference when your cat gets ill. A supportive atmosphere with experienced and dedicated staff is going to make all the difference. These are some of the things you need to take into account.
Take note if the vet really likes cats. Any general practice vet knows how to treat cats but there are some vets who specialize in cats only. When you make an appointment for your cat in a new clinic, find out from the receptionist if there are vets that only work with cats.
See how the vet handles your cat. Looking at the vet perform a physical examination of your cat is going to tell you a lot. Examine how they hold your cat when doing performing the procedures and if they look comfortable doing it.

While at the clinic, it is essential that you ask a lot of questions to the staff as well. Find out how the handle emergencies and if there are people available in the event the cat has to stay overnight. Also inquire what their attitude is to alternative medications, supplements and therapies. It is also vital to know how much you will be expected to pay. There are some vets who are cheap while others are expensive. However, do not let price be the only determining factor.

Know the listening skills of the vet. A good vet that you can trust will engage you in conversations. They are going to show their concern and also make recommendations for changes but they will not preach to you. It is also vital that you go with your gut. If you feel that something is not right, do not ignore that.
Distance to the vets clinic also matters. It has to be near so that you do not have to make a trip to another state or country for your cat to be treated.

How To Play With Your Cat


Sometimes, you have to teach your kitten how to play nice. Keep your hands away from the play area and do not ever let your kitten use them as a scratch or chew toy. You don't want to condition your kitten to bite and claw your skin. You can use practically any cat toy with a kitten and they'll be entertained for hours. Attach a feather to a string, and your kitten is hooked! Give your kitten a soft stuffed animal to wrestle with, and he/she wont be able to let it go.
Make sure not to hit or yell at a kitten for nipping, clawing, or pouncing. Be kind! You want to be able to play with your kitten and not have him/her fear you. The best way to train a kitten to not use you as a chew toy is to carry around a squirt bottle full of water. It's harmless, and it works.

Adult Cats

Adult cats don't play as often as kittens, but it's always good to encourage play-time with your adult cat just as much as you would a kitten in order to keep them fit and create a pet/owner bond. Adult cats require twice as much encouragement to play as a kitten does. Adult cats become playful when you simulate a hunting scenario with the right kind of toys. Make sure never to use your hands, just like you would with a kitten. Use a toy, usually something light, cloth-like, or feathers attached to a string. Even the most gentle cats cannot turn down the allure of a cat toy.

Caution: Beware of the difference between a playful cat and a violent cat. Cats usually playfully claw at the toys you make for them, but the line between a cat's anger and a cat's happiness can be thin. Be cautious and pay attention to what mood your cat it in. If his/her ears are bent back, his/her tail begins to flick, and he/she begins to make noise, that's when you should stop. When a cat doesn't want to be bothered, you must take that into account. Nobody wants to end up with scratches on their arms.
Don't everhit your cat with the toys you make. Not only may it aggravate them, but it might hurt them.

How to Understand Your Cat's Behavior

It is essential to know about your cat and what they are trying to tell you. There are very many interesting ways and actions in which cats communicate to each other and to people as well.

Head butting

Cats use their heads to show love and affection. They head butt with peoples foreheads and chins to show their affection and also leave their scent as a form of identification and communication.


They will also express their love without making any physical contact. Slow and relaxed eye blinks are referred to as cats kisses. It means that the cat is relaxed and happy.

Tail up

When a cat greets you with their tail up, it means that they are giving you a warm welcome. The best sign of happiness is their tail held up high like a flag post. Other signs that the kitten is in a good mood is when their ears are in a relaxed position and not flattened, their pupils are the normal size and not dilated. Your cat is also relaxed when it is not sulking around but moving about in the room.

Lying on the back

This can mean different things but this does not mean you take a behavior out of context. Take a look at the whole body of the cat including eyes, ears, tails and pawns. If they are sleeping with the belly exposed, it means that they are feeling safe and secure. When it is purring and kneading its paws in the air, this is an indication that they are stress free and content. If the cat is on its back with flattened ears and dilated pupils, it feels threatened. This shows that they are ready to fight and use all the weapons they have which are its claws and hind legs.

The Top 10 Cat Cafes in Japan

For those feline lovers who live in Japan or who are about to visit this nation, there are a few cat cafes that deserve your presence, as they have become well-known in the media and among frequent goers for their excellent services and features.
Since 2005, cat cafes have become very popular in Japan. The city of Tokyo is the home of over 39 cat cafes in this country. The reason why these businesses have reached unimaginable popularity is all due to the many apartments all over Japan that forbid pets. Another reason is because cats provide a relaxing companionship to those peoplewho live a lonesome and stressful urban life.At times,these types of establishments have been referred as “cat therapy centers”or “indoor pet rentals.”

There is a variety of cat cafes. There are some cafes that feature a specific category of cats, such as fat cats, black cats, ex-stray cats, breed cats, or etc.

Any cat café ownermust comply with the strict regulations and requirements of the Animal Treatment/Protection Law. And to ensure animal welfare and cleanliness, Japanese cat cafes have strict rules to ensure that cats are not disturbed by unwantedor excessive attentions, such aswhen they are sleeping or when they are being bothered by young children. There are a handful of cat cafes that are known for using cats from local animal shelters to help them break free fromhuman fear and to advertise them to visitors for possible adoption.Also, there are some cafesthat are well-known in Japanforraising awareness of cat welfare matters, such as the abandonment of cats.
The Top 10 Cat Cafes in Japan (no special order)

10 Nekokaigi Cat Café in Kyoto, Japan
This café is opened from 11 AM to 8 PM.It hasfree Wi-Fi and different cat breeds to play with and offers cozy furniture, specialty beverages, and a relaxing environment. Individuals under 13 years of age are not allowed.

9 Kyariko Cat Café in Shinjuki, Japan
This establishment isopened from 10 AM to 10 PM. This cat café has different modestly priced packages for visitors. This place is spotless. It is the perfect place to hang out and relax.

8 Ekoneko Cat Café in Tokyo, Japan
This café opens at 12 PM and closes at 10 PM. There are a lot of friendly cats in this cafe. The majority of the cats in this establishment have been adopted from shelters. If you fall in love with a cat from this shop, you can easily adopt it!

7 Cateriam Cat Café in Tokyo, Japan
This establishment has over 11 felines and offers all of its visitors memorabilia and DVDs of the cats. Believe it or not, some of the cats in this café have their own Twitter feeds!

6 Nekobukoro in Tokyo, Japan
This café is well-known in Japan for being a hot spot for couples. It even offers pair tickets for lovebirds.And by the way, thiscafedoesn’t smell like cats at all!

5 Calico Cat Café in Tokyo, Japan
This café houses over 20 catsfrom various breeds. You can purchase cat food, coffee, and soda, whileenjoying the company of one of thebeautiful cats that adorns this café.

4 Nyan da Cat Café in Tokyo, Japan
This cat café has over 40 felines and claims to be the largest of its kind in Japan. This place has a great number of rooms that have different atmospheres for visitors to enjoy.

3 Nekorobi Cat Cafe in Tokyo, Japan
The great thing about this café is that once customers pay for the admission fee, they have access to food, drinks, and the cats—at no extra charge. How great is that? There are televisions, video games, phone chargers, Wi-Fi, and laptops available for all customers.

2 Temari no Ouchi Cat Café in Tokyo, Japan
This establishment offers a variety of beverages, and it has been regarded by past visitors as a “great place to chill.” This café manages the balance between running a regular café and interacting with the cats pretty good.

1 Neko no Mise Cat Café in Tokyo, Japan
This was the first cat café in Japan. It was founded by Norimasa Hanada in 2005. It offers a variety of fun features so thatyou have a good time with one of the one-of-a-kind cats that are in it. Just like a regular café, you can order drinks, buy snacks for the cats, and even bring a book.

Top 10 Cat Breeds

There are many cat breeds that are trending right now, and when cat breeds trend, it's usually for a good reason. When you consider adopting a cat, you may want to pay attention to which breeds are trending in order to see what types of cats other cat owners are focusing on. Some cat breeds are aloof, agitated, and angry, and usually those breeds don't trend. If you watch the trends, you'll adopt the cat you want.

The Abyssinian cat is a mixture ofSiamese, Burmese, and Russian Blue, and is a very popular and smart cat breed.
Abyssinian breeds are perfect for people who like to spend time with their cats. The need attention because of their playful and smart nature. They can do tricks, play, and are easy to keep happy. Abyssinian cats are definitely not lap cats, though.
They have short hair, so they don't require much grooming.
A unique feature of the Abyssinian cat is that they have a dog-like nature, so they appreciate the company of dogs more than they do other cats, so Abyssinian cats are perfect for pet owners who love both dogs and cats.

The Siamese cat is usually a creamy white color with dark marks on its ears, paws, tail, and face. It's very talkative and lively. Curiosity is prominent in this breed, but they're also intelligent and affectionate.
Siamese cats need attention and need their owner to be home often.
The Siamese cat has a very short coat that doesn't need much grooming.

3. Persian
Persian cats look like they have a doll-like face: chubby cheeks, flat face, and a round head.
Persian cats are perfect lap cats, and will stay on your lap for hours at a time. They aren't as playful as other cat breeds, but they're great for owners who want an independent cat that they don't wish to give as much attention to. Just leave your lap open, and your Persian cat will be happy.

4. Maine Coon
A Maine Coon is a mixture between domesticated cats and wild bobcats, therefore creating a very large, unique looking cat. They usually have gray/brown fur, and have small tufts on their ears.
The Maine Coon is the giant of the cat world, reaching up to 40 inches in length and 10-25 pounds.
It's also great for people who have time to spend with their cat, but also have a life to live. The Maine Coon requires attention, but not constant attention. It can keep itself occupied.
Grooming a Maine Coon is easy, even though it has long, thick fur. It's fur is water resistant and thick, and the only problem with its coat is that it sometimes has heavy shedding sessions. Brushing it weekly will keep a Maine Coon properly groomed.

5. Siberian
Siberian cats are fluffy, and also very cuddly. They're great lap cats, but they aren't necessarily playful (like the Persian cat). Siberian cats have been known to grow up to 20 pounds, but still remain agile and powerful.
A Siberian cat is very acrobatic, and if you adopt one, you'll probably find it in places like: on top of the refrigerator and in high cabinets. Even though they're agile, they're mellow, and are easy to get along with. Siberian cats are linked to only one health problem, heart disease, unlike other purebreds who have a list of diseases they may acquire.

6. Singapura
If you want to adopt a smaller cat, then the Singapura cat is right for you. They only come in one color, yellowish-brown, so they're very identifiable. They're full of playful energy and love to jump around.
The size of the Singapura makes it extremely easy to groom.
The Singapura is friendly, and easily gets along with adults, children, and other pets.

7. Oriental
An Oriental cat can come in 300 different colors and patterns to accompany it's unique facial appearance
Oriental cats have a habit to become very attached to people. They are very intelligent and enjoy puzzles, games, and television--basically, if they're attached to you, they'll want to loyally follow you around and do everything with you. Oriental cats have a deep meow, and they make sure to let themselves be heard when they want something.

8. Himalayan
Himalayan cats are quiet and beautiful. They great cats for people who want a gorgeous, fluffy-haired cat, but don't want to give it too much of their attention.
Himalayan are mild, sweet, and extremely independent.

9.American Curl
The American Curl cats have curly, unique ears, and are incredible playful and friendly. They come in a wide range of colors and sizes, but their one distinct characteristic is their ears.
They require hardly any grooming to keep their short-fur coat looking nice.
Their faithful to their owners, and stick to the side of the person who has adopted them. They are incredibly affectionate and love to rub on their owners, cuddle, and play.

10. Burmese
Burmese cats tend to be stocky with grayish/brown/blue fur.
Instead of making you play with them, they entertain you by playing with themselves. They leap, bound, and play while you can sit back, relax, and watch. They will also play with you, too. They aren't hard to please.
Even if they are playing on their own, they enjoy your presence in the room. They like to socialize and don't want to be left alone for long periods at a time.