วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Top 10 forex brokers you need to know about

Since the inception of the internet, it has been a benefit to both individuals and businesses alike. Not only has it made communication and research to be easier, but it has led to the development of platforms that allow individuals and businesses to transact either with goods, services or even exchange of money.

The forex market has become one of the fast paced markets today, thanks to the internet. It is no longer a domain for large institutions but average traders can exchange currencies too.

Below are top 10 forex brokers you need to know about.

Banc De Binary

This is a broker which enables individuals to trade currencies starting from minimum of 1.0 to the maximum of 3000. The firm was founded in 2008 by Oren Laurent who is the CEO. The brokers also specialize in commodities, stocks and indices.


AnyOption are brokers who enable clients to trade in currencies as well as binary options starting from 20 to a maximum of 5000. The client can get a maximum percentage of 80%. The brokers trade in major currencies such as dollars, euros and pounds.


As one of the most popular platform that enables clients to trade in binary options such as currencies, clients get to gain from the many benefits.


Clients can make currency trades with a little as 25 and can reach upto a maximum of 2500 on a single currency option. The clients are able to trade in different currencies such as dollars, pounds, yen and euros.

Top Option

The forex platform offers clients a variety of tradable assets like currencies, stocks and commodities at very affordable rates.

Banc De Swiss

Clients are able to trade currencies at Banc De Swiss starting from a minimum of 25 to a maximum of 1500 on a single trade. This can net the client a percentage of 75% minimum.


The company functions on 3 main principles namely offering personal customized service, high level security for protection and prioritizing the trader’s goals. The company allows clients to trade in currencies and other binary options.


The forex platform started trading in binary options back in 2008. It provides an easy to use platform and enables client success in trading.

Master Forex

Established in 2006, the company functions under 3 principles namely open relationship with clients, honesty and professionalism. Its benefits include no deposit bonus, educational portal, micro accounts and presents from your friends.


This is a globally licensed forex and commodities firm whose mission is to reach and retain clients from around the world. They offer exceptional customer service, integrity and continuous innovation.

วันอังคารที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

The Baltimore Riots: How Will the United States be Impacted?

While corporate and family owned businesses burn to the ground, looters take anything that is not nailed down, and rival gang members unite together to riot during the Baltimore protests, the National Guard and patrol attempt to regain control of a city in the middle of mayhem. At the same time, the mother of Freddie Gray, the black man whose death while in police custody triggered the Baltimore Riots, appeals for an end to the violence and chaos that has gripped a city which once claimed to be “The Greatest City in America”. Unfortunately, her pleas go unheard and the rest of the USA is left to sit and watch as a once beautiful city is destroyed.

What Impact Will the Baltimore Riots Have On the Rest of the Country?

 Although the riots dominate the news right now, within a few weeks the country’s attention will shift to other issues. Past riots that have broken out involving similar situations, such as the Rodney King Riots in 1992, the Newark Riots in 1967, the Watts Riots in 1965, and the Ferguson, Missouri Riots in 2014 gripped the nation for a short period of time before fading from the public eye. Although it is impossible to tell if the same will occur with the Baltimore Riot, it is likely. That being said, there will be repercussions.

The Economic Impact

 There is no doubt that the Baltimore Riots will have a significant impact on Baltimore and potentially the surrounding areas. Businesses will be forced to rebuild and deal with inventory lost to looters, while also losing income as they try to get their stores back up and running. In turn, employees will suffer from lost wages. Additionally, there is a strong possibility that tourism both in and around Baltimore will dramatically decrease because travelers simply can’t be certain of how safe the area is.

Race Relations

 As of December 2014, 57% of Americans admitted they felt race relations were bad in the US as the result of the recent deaths of several unarmed black men, including Michael Brown, at the hands of the police. Historically, not only has there been conflict between the police and the public, particularly African Americans, but merchant/ customer relationships have been tense after rioting has taken place. For example, after the Rodney King Riots, it was not uncommon for African American patrons to report they were being closely watched, overcharged, and/ or ignored, particularly by Korean store owners. While the merchants believed they were reacting appropriately to what they deemed was inappropriate behavior in public, such as being too loud or cussing.

 Will race relations deteriorate after the Baltimore Riots are over? Undoubtedly, they will, but it remains to be seen for how long. Fortunately, Americans tend to have a short attention span, so they could quickly move onto another issue. On the other hand, multiple African American men have died while in police custody in the last year and this could serve as a breaking point for a number of Americans. Only time will tell what impact the Baltimore Riots have on the USA.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Never on time!


Food panda has to be the worst attempt at a food delivery service. It will never work in Thailand, never has. The food is always late and to be honest cold food just sucks. I have noticed other people online who have had the same issue with food panda deliveries always taking forever. The discounts are really not that great. The places where people are willing to order from food panda, they do not even have service there yet! All in all compared to their competitors on the Bangkok food delivery scene, food panda is a bust. They do not seem to have the communication needed between themselves and the restaurants, which should be a priority if deliveries are excessively late and discounts are not being given even when advertised on the site.

   On their facebook page foodpanda guarantees convenience and "happiness" to all of their customers in Thailand. However, their facebook page shows that their service and communication with participating restaurants just suck. There is even a complaint about a driver trying to pocket change and trick the customer! The only way it could get any worse is if they did not relay the orders to the restaurants at all.

  If they actually delivered on what they promised then foodpanda might be a little more successful. They claim to bring you the best food delivery service in Thailand, which they do not, especially compared to the local venues.  They also claim to have stable partnerships with restaurants in Thailand, but it is quite obvious that they have an even worse communication issue with the participating vendors than they do with the customers. So much for an easier way to order food online. It is probably more of a hassle than just calling it in. Anyone using foodpanda in Thailand would have to call and practically track their order down either way.

Wine: Types and how to make the best choice

When it comes to wine, there are many varieties to choose from. The most basic two types of wine are red and white. Within those categories, there are different grapes that are used. In order to make the best choice of wine, one must determine what type of occasion they are having. For example, the kind of cuisine that the wine is going to be accompanying is an important factor to take into account.

The most popular types of white wine include Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. White wines are made with different kinds of white grapes.The general tastes of these are fruity with aromas of citrus, apples, and pears. These wines would typically go well with fish, chicken, and salads.

Some preferred red wines include Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Pinot Noir. They are made with red grapes of different varieties. Cabernet and Merlot have more of a berry-like flavor than Pinot Noir and go well with red meat. Pinot Noir would be best paired with Asian cuisine, chicken, or even lamb.

Whether one is looking for a wine to enjoy with a meal for a special occasion, or one to partake in alone, these tips should guide one to making the best choice in wine for them.

One of The Most Bad Hotel Places Not To Go And How To Go About Choosing The Best Hotel

No one really does want to go to the worse of all hotels on purpose. However, unfortunately, it is something that does happen when you least do expect it. This is because you either think a hotel is good or someone else tells you that it was somehow. Whatever the case be here. It is important to not go to the most bad of hotels if you can help it. This is because the very worse of hotels will have the very worse of everything usually, if and when, you do decide to stay there for a honeymoon, vacation, or whatever else.

According to guest reviews, which are always loud and wake-up news, about people, places, and things. The most bad hotel that does define worse is those that offer guests visits from hell. Here is an example of one. The Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada was dubbed as being one of the worse to ever go to by TripAdvisor user named MadameZCalifornia. This is because her New Year's Eve stay there brought her a very horrid cocktail mixture that no one should ever have to have? What was that totally horrifying cocktail? It was no other than her being at first met with a terrible stench when she stepped into the room she booked for herself. This was the better part of her terrible experience there. What gave this hotel the most bad hotel rep to her wasn't just the very strong stinky order within the room. The worse is yet to come. What did define the bad for this hotel was the awful and putrid cocktail she did get while residing in that room. This awful and putrid New Year's Eve cocktail was no other than urine, water, and electricity all combined together. The guest commented that the room smelled very badly and it had her literally gagging. “It smelled like sour milk and feet combined together,” she openly stated upon her arrival there. At first, the lady guest decided to cover the problem up, as best she could. So, she went to Walgreens and ABC Store, where she purchased some air fresheners. A lady who worked at the ABC Store said it was often, that a lot of hotel guests from the Plaza, did come there to buy air fresheners.

Not that soon after, she started smelling the disgusting stench in her room, she would then learn what the source of the trouble was in detail. It was a bathroom light fixture that was streaming over with urine from the ceiling above. Not only was this lighting fixture very dangerous, due to the water coming out of it, but there was also the presence of very live electricity that made it extra bad. Madame Z and her group were completely traumatized and shocked by this. They had no choice but to stay at the Plaza, since all other hotels were booked solid for New Year's Eve, but she did complain to management at this God-awful hotel and they gave her another room that didn't have the stench that the previous one did. So, with this said, this is definitely one of the worse hotel nightmares possible for a guest staying there on a major holiday to have to go through. My God! Unbelievable!
So, with this said, you do want to avoid staying at worse or bed hotels all together. How do you do it?

When it comes to choosing a hotel, you should choose a hotel that does reflect your individual needs. For instance, if you are traveling for vacation and pleasure, only go for hotels that do offer this. On the other hand, if your stay will be just for business, you should pick a hotel that caters more to the business side than the fun side. You should also choose a hotel based on Guest Ratings for it. This is something that will help prevent you from checking directly into Motel Hell. When you read the guest critiques of certain hotels and motels. You can determine for yourself right away if it will be a heavenly stay or one that is literally in hell, so to speak. Therefore, read hotel and motel guest reviews, and get the wind of which hotels and motels are indeed the best from personal guests own sharing news. Another thing is to book reservations at a hotel that does have a great location. You don't want a hotel that is right smack in the middle of a bad area of a city or town. This can probably be an indicator that it will not be a hotel of high quality or one that is fit for human stay. Great location is indeed a solid indicator of a top of the line hotel or motel for sure.

No one wants to experience a worse or bad hotel or motel, if they can help it, that is why you should do some detailed research on these hospitality places before making reservations anywhere. Good and solid research will hopefully help you to avoid having to experience the worse of what hotels and motels can offer you as a guest.

Avoiding horrible Hotels


When it comes to hotels there is little speculation as to what makes a bad hotel experience. Whether it is bad service from the front desk, falsely advertised accommodations, or even hidden fees that can hike up the cost of a hotel room. Unfortunately, there can be worse situations. A few of the worst rated hotels in the world have had reports of vomit filled sinks, fresh blood stains in weird, random places, shards of glass hidden in the bed sheets, and even live parasites that can infect you just by sleeping in the close quarters. Luckily, there are a number of ways to avoid having a horrible hotel experience and you can easily avoid some of the worst hotels in the world simply by taking these precautions.

   It is important to take into consideration what is most important to you in regards to a hotel. Prioritizing whether you would like a great location, a great deal, or even which accommodations can make, or break, your decision when choosing a hotel. Once you have decided what is important to you in regards of renting a hotel room the real search can begin. There are plenty of websites that can make finding the perfect hotel for you even easier. A lot of these search engines were created with the ability to search for hotels by location, customer rating, and even by the accommodationsthat are offered. Now you can always search by accommodations and still have the search results narrowed down by price, which of course would still give you the best deal possible while still providing several options that have exactly what you are looking for. Aside from that consideration you must also check out customer reviews to see exactly how your experience might be. Doing a little bit of research and checking out other customer review can help you get a better feel for the hotel that you are considering. A surprising number of places actually have outdated pictures and may not actually offer what you get to preview online, reading customer reviews can help save you from the headache that may come up when encountering these issues later. Doing all of this can save you a lot of trouble and can help you pick the best hotel for you.

How To Choose A Car For Rental

When you are looking to hire a rental car in the US, there are some factors that will need to be taken into consideration when choosing which car you want to rent. It is not a decision that you will want to take lightly as making the wrong decision can impact on the enjoyment of the whole trip.

The size of the car will be an important factor. If you are travelling alone then a small car will probably be sufficient but a car that is rented for a vacation with your family will need to be much bigger so that everyone has enough room. The car that you rent should be similar in size to one that you have experience in driving as there can be a big difference between driving a small car compared to a large one.

You will also need to check whether your insurance covers you to drive a rental car. If this is not the case then you may want to check with the hire company whether they can offer you insurance while you are driving their car. Although this insurance will be an extra expense to add to the cost of your trip, it can protect you against the cost of repairs if you were to have an accident while the car was in your possession. Knowing that you are covered can help make your trip less stressful.

When you have decided upon a car that you want to hire, it can be a good idea to read reviews from other users about their experience with the car and the hire company as a whole. This is an important step because if you have decided upon a company and then find out that they do not have a very good reputation for customer service, you will have time to find an alternative company before it is time for your trip. You may also want to check out what services the hire company offer, for example online reservations.

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

How Spain's World Cup Elimination - Just What Went Wrong?

Spain - the one team that was on everyone's lips before the World Cup. They had impressed in friendly matches, at the Confederations Cup and at the Euro Cup 2014. They had in fact managed to beat Tahiti at the Confederations 11-1! This was in so many ways a force to reckon with. The pace of Andres Iniesta, near perfect record of one Diego Costa and Ike Casilla's solidness between the posts seemed enough to intimidate any team. Spain were after all, the defending champions lead by a man who knew his art well. Vicente Del Bosque. But just what went wrong at the Cup? How could a team made of proven champions get eliminated at group stages?You guessed it right. The whole problem started with goalkeeping and ending with goalkeeping. Ike Casillas had failed to impress at club level.

 In fact, the sole goal scored against him at the EUFA Champions league finals against Atletico Madrid was as a result of a goalkeeping error that he could otherwise have avoided. Jose Mourinho has seen this and sidelined him while still in charge at Real Madrid.Then there came another big problem. Tiki Taka. A passing technique that had been mastered by the team. But the world has already studied Spain's moves. It therefore did not come as a surprise to many that Netherlands capitalized on Spain's loopholes with ease. Vicente Del Bosque should have learnt this on time. He should have employed a different style of football while playing Chile. But for reasons best known to him, he didnt..and just like that, the defending champions saw got eliminated.Of course there were other blunders and mistakes. Sergio Ramos at the back, was not at his best. His midfield counterpart Xabi Alonso was always marked. Ike Casillas shouldn't have started, Pepe Reina was there. Same case applies to Diego Costa as Fernando Torres was there. The solution was written on the wall. Ditch Tiki Taka for a more tactical approach. Whether Vicente Del Bosque will take this into consideration is a matter clouded in ambiguity. Whether he'll even keep his job is more uncertain. But one thing's for sure. Ike Casillas needs to get his magic back before he can be trusted between the posts again.

England Eliminated From World Cup-Years of Hurt Continue


 Perhaps one of England's fastest eliminations, they headed home from their biggest defeat yet. The world cup of 2014. They lost their first two World Cup games, and as Wayne Rooney pointed out, it is hard to come back from something like that.
    England started going for the World Cup in 1950. Their biggest win was in 1966, when they won the Cup. However, this year was their biggest defeat. For the first time in history, they were defeated in their first two matches, subsequently not even making it to the group stages. They had a total of 0 points total, and once Costa Rica's team beat Italy they were not permitted to continue.
    Many people put their bets on Roy Hodgson, a former English football star and the England's team's current manager. He has coached a number of noteworthy teams, such as West Bromwich Albion and Liverpool. He became the manager for The Three Lions in 2012, and has been coaching them ever since. He has brought them to the world cup, but alas, they were defeated embarrassingly early on.

Bad Experience From Denied Health Insurance Claims

Thousands of people in the USA have to go through the bad experience from denied health insurance claims forcing them to pay the huge medical bills all by themselves.

The main reason is that most insurance companies either outrightly refuses to insure, or ask for exorbitant premiums from all those people who are suffering from asthma, heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetes etc. As a result, these people find themselves in great financial jams.

If you have had a bad experience from denied health insurance, you still have a few options available at your disposal. Several health insurance companies have an option that allows people to appeal the decision. Other than the appeal option, there are many other options available as well.

If you had a bad experience from denied health insurance claim, your very first option is to appeal against the decisions. For this purpose you need to research rules and laws that resulted in your claim being rejected by the competent authority. Moreover, you should have recorded for everything in case the company asks for them. If you made an appeal and even that was denied, then you can go to a broker who specializes in health insurance matters. Insurance brokers are extremely familiar with the system, and the ways of working through it.

The most desirable coverage is, of course, private health insurance. However, anyone who has been denied health insurance becomes eligible for applying to the state’s high risk health insurance program. These programs are currently only available in 34 states of the USA. There is, however, a flip side to this kind of insurance: there are certain specific conditions that are not covered by this policy.

Married couples whose partners have health insurance provided by their companies can be included in one plan or the other. Most of these health insurance plans that are sponsored by employers, do not require that you go through a medical check-up.

Anyone who has been denied health insurance needs to find a solution to his / her problem – at least temporarily. There has been an amendment in the law on March 2010 which is part of the health reform bill seeks to eliminate discrimination against people who have pre-existing health conditions. Such people are always singled out and victimized by health insurance companies. Initially, this act only covered children, however, from January 2014 onwards, it also covers adults.

The Reinsurance Program of the recent health care reform provides for creation of a subsidy for health-plan sponsors for retired people. This will cover everyone aged 55 and above.

The 2003 medical modernization also provides a similar incentive to employers. Any employer that seeks to maintain medical insurance plan for retired employees can become eligible for a notable windfall. The Reinsurance program provides great benefits to employers and industries.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

Life Insurance: Reasons Why We All Need It

Today, having insurance is more than just a luxury for the privileged. Since no one knows when their death is coming, it is good to ensure that it does not burden the family left behind. You can do so by choosing cheap or affordable life insurance coverage. Below are reasons why we should all have life insurance.

Life Insurance Replaces Lost Income

For sole breadwinners, life insurance is a must. This is because it will provide your dependents with an income even after your death thus covering their bills and making their lives a little easy. Furthermore, even if you have two incomes in the family, it lifts the extra burden than may have befallen the remaining spouse.

Life Insurance Covers Funeral Costs

With your death, your family will be both emotionally and physically drained. To avoid making their lives even more difficult by taking care of your funeral arrangements, you need to have life insurance. A typical funeral costs between $7,000 and $10,000, which can be very expensive for the people left behind. Fortunately, life insurance can take care of the funeral service relieving your family from extra expenses.

Life Insurance Can Settle Your Medical Expenses

Although many people have medical covers, sometimes they run dry especially if you have been in bad health for long. During such times, life insurance can help you cover such bills. This way, you family will be free from your medical bills even in your death.

Life Insurance Can Pay Off All Your Debts

Many people have mortgages that they are still servicing. In the event that you die with such a mortgage, life insurance can step in and offset the balance. Moreover, it can also settle debts such as car payments, credit card bills and virtually any other debt obligations.

Life Insurance Provides Emergency cash

A number of people do not have an emergency kitty. As a result, they turn to high interest loans provided by several financial institutions. Luckily, you can avoid this form of borrowing if you have an emergency. You can borrow from your life insurance pool whenever you are in a financial crisis.

These here are just some of the benefits of having a life insurance coverage. As you can see, this policy does more than just taking care of your family in your death making it your best companion.

Help For People With Bad Credit

Do you have bad credit? Has your poor credit left you without all the things you need? There is an effective way for you to get the kind of life you are looking for. There are many people who end up with poor or bad credit due to a wide range of problems. You can get cheap and easy fixes to get you out of your tight spot.

If you live in the USA or in Europe there is always a solution awaiting. No one deserves to be left behind because of bad credit. There is an easy and cheap way for you to reverse your stalled future. If you are dedicated and want to be in control of your bad credit, you can!

There are many different ways for you to get your life back from the edge of ruin, weather you live in the USA or in Europe. All it takes is determination and a willingness to follow through. The most important thing is to understand where you went wrong. Determine the reason and you have a good start on coming up with a solution. More than one reason, well all you need to do is list them all. Then find our cheap and easy way to help you dig your way out from under that wall that has been stopping you from living life to the fullest.

Our cheap and easy system will let you find your way to a better kind of life that you deserve. Most people need help getting out from under the burden of bad debt. Let us help you become the person you want to be.
Bad credit does not have to be your life sentence, let us help with our easy and cheap method.