วันเสาร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

One of The Most Bad Hotel Places Not To Go And How To Go About Choosing The Best Hotel

No one really does want to go to the worse of all hotels on purpose. However, unfortunately, it is something that does happen when you least do expect it. This is because you either think a hotel is good or someone else tells you that it was somehow. Whatever the case be here. It is important to not go to the most bad of hotels if you can help it. This is because the very worse of hotels will have the very worse of everything usually, if and when, you do decide to stay there for a honeymoon, vacation, or whatever else.

According to guest reviews, which are always loud and wake-up news, about people, places, and things. The most bad hotel that does define worse is those that offer guests visits from hell. Here is an example of one. The Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada was dubbed as being one of the worse to ever go to by TripAdvisor user named MadameZCalifornia. This is because her New Year's Eve stay there brought her a very horrid cocktail mixture that no one should ever have to have? What was that totally horrifying cocktail? It was no other than her being at first met with a terrible stench when she stepped into the room she booked for herself. This was the better part of her terrible experience there. What gave this hotel the most bad hotel rep to her wasn't just the very strong stinky order within the room. The worse is yet to come. What did define the bad for this hotel was the awful and putrid cocktail she did get while residing in that room. This awful and putrid New Year's Eve cocktail was no other than urine, water, and electricity all combined together. The guest commented that the room smelled very badly and it had her literally gagging. “It smelled like sour milk and feet combined together,” she openly stated upon her arrival there. At first, the lady guest decided to cover the problem up, as best she could. So, she went to Walgreens and ABC Store, where she purchased some air fresheners. A lady who worked at the ABC Store said it was often, that a lot of hotel guests from the Plaza, did come there to buy air fresheners.

Not that soon after, she started smelling the disgusting stench in her room, she would then learn what the source of the trouble was in detail. It was a bathroom light fixture that was streaming over with urine from the ceiling above. Not only was this lighting fixture very dangerous, due to the water coming out of it, but there was also the presence of very live electricity that made it extra bad. Madame Z and her group were completely traumatized and shocked by this. They had no choice but to stay at the Plaza, since all other hotels were booked solid for New Year's Eve, but she did complain to management at this God-awful hotel and they gave her another room that didn't have the stench that the previous one did. So, with this said, this is definitely one of the worse hotel nightmares possible for a guest staying there on a major holiday to have to go through. My God! Unbelievable!
So, with this said, you do want to avoid staying at worse or bed hotels all together. How do you do it?

When it comes to choosing a hotel, you should choose a hotel that does reflect your individual needs. For instance, if you are traveling for vacation and pleasure, only go for hotels that do offer this. On the other hand, if your stay will be just for business, you should pick a hotel that caters more to the business side than the fun side. You should also choose a hotel based on Guest Ratings for it. This is something that will help prevent you from checking directly into Motel Hell. When you read the guest critiques of certain hotels and motels. You can determine for yourself right away if it will be a heavenly stay or one that is literally in hell, so to speak. Therefore, read hotel and motel guest reviews, and get the wind of which hotels and motels are indeed the best from personal guests own sharing news. Another thing is to book reservations at a hotel that does have a great location. You don't want a hotel that is right smack in the middle of a bad area of a city or town. This can probably be an indicator that it will not be a hotel of high quality or one that is fit for human stay. Great location is indeed a solid indicator of a top of the line hotel or motel for sure.

No one wants to experience a worse or bad hotel or motel, if they can help it, that is why you should do some detailed research on these hospitality places before making reservations anywhere. Good and solid research will hopefully help you to avoid having to experience the worse of what hotels and motels can offer you as a guest.

